C++ for Lazy Programmers: Introduction

I've never just stumbled upon a good Computer Science book in the wild, it's always been recommendations leading me to books. I'd been burned a few times on low-effort "Hacking" instructionals in high school and just kind of gave up trying to source material for myself. It's a broad field that needs books for varying levels of understanding, and it's usually to much of an effort to to dig for a new book... and then I found this at my local library.

Is it a good introduction to C++? I'm not sure yet. But it's definitely doing... something. The prose is good. Will Briggs references classic books like Oh! Pascal! in the introduction and lays out a pretty smooth curve from fundamentals (like control flow), through pointers and memeory management, and on to graphics.

I'm not sure if a from-scratch introduction is exactly what I need, but I'm already convinced I could learn something here, for the following reasons:

It's written for C++17

By nature of being published in 2019, it's using a newer version of C++ than I learned in college, and while it isn't quite up-to-date anymore, there's definitely an opportunity for me to pick up a new quality-of-life improvement that's appeared since C++14.

It has a graphical focus

I've written graphical C++ before, but graphics are... tricky, and ever evolving. I certainly don't claim to be a graphical expert on my resume. It might be a good opportunity to dip my toe into a a new field while practicing with a language.

It's final-stage projects are games

Again, I've written interactive graphical programs that I've called games before, but nothing complicated and nothing aware of C++ standards around these things. Another opportunity to learn!

Between all of these, I figure I'll be turned on to something new while getting a brush-up on my C++ skills, so I'm going to give it a try.

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