Hello World
So I started a blog. Technically, I've started a blog again. I'm kind of hoping my first attempts have been so totally buried that no one can prove they exist, but those are kind of important because they're sort of arguments against blogging again: it takes energy to say anything interesting.
So why start this blog (again)? Because since I graduated college I've been having information problems. Not serious information problems, but still annoying information problems. Like I'll do projects but I end up with these long narratives in comments or github issues, and while I think all the history is useful (it contextualizes why I'm doing what I'm doing), it's also a lot to parse, maybe too much for those mediums. Or I'll read an interesting book or research paper and try and organize my thoughts on Google Drive, but that leads to a mess of documents that aren't really searchable, and aren't really useful in sharing ideas with other people. No one but me is ever going to see my Google Drive.
So I'm hoping to export some instances of my internal monologue that are too close to personal narrative to use in more technical documents but still maybe useful as context for the design and application of computing systems. Maybe I'll call them something complicated, like "pseudo-narrative contexts", to express how out-there-but-maybe-useful they are. And of course, because I'm trying to organize my thoughts for future use I'm going to try and categorize them. To incentivize me to do a good job at all of this I'm going to do this in a way that's publically visible.
And that's why I'm making a blog. To get better at sharing things I've learned by practicing.
If you're reading this I hope I succeeded in recording something interesting.
Happy reading.