Core Modules for Doug's Attempt at a Browser Shell

Project maintained by dsmith47 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Doug’s Attempt at a Browser Shell

DABS was inspired by a desre to control the browser entirely with shell commands, but it isn’t quite correct ot think of it as a shell script like BASH. Rather, it’s more like the Vim command interface: where users enter commnds as shortcuts for common tasks that would take too long to do using only the core functionality. However, where vim focuses on commands that make editting text easier, DABS commands optimize changing browser settings and browser navigation.

DABS shell prompt

Installing DABS

Because DABS is a chrome extension, it will need to be installed from a manifest.json file as per the Chrome Developer Documentation

But before you go through all the trouble, why not configure DABS to run the way you want it, without any of the extraneous junk?

In the top level of the documents there is a script called configure.sh that will write a custom manifest.json for you. Just list off the locations of all the module scripts you want to include, then all of the permssions those scripts will need followed by the -p flag.

If script configuration feels too daunting, there is also a Makefile whose recipes will make some different configurations of DABS for you.

Using DABS

DABS turns your browser’s address bar into a shell input. Just start entering textual commands into your browser preceeded by the command character ;. It’s like Vim, but easier.

All DABS commands follow the format:

; <command-string> [param-strings]

For specifics on how to use different commands present in DABS, consult the module documentation

Modifying DABS

DABS is licensed under the GNU GPL, so you’re free to change whatever you want so long as you share the source.

However, DABS is configured to be modular, so we hope you stick around and keep the shell growing.

If you want to add new functionality to DABS in your own utility, look at Creating a DABS Module

If you want to make contributions outside of module creation, look at Changing the DABS Core

Creating a DABS Module

Congratulations! You’re writing your first DABS module. DABS’ modular behavior comes it being a uniquely configured chrome extension, and if that statement confused you, then try brushing up on chrome extensions as a prerequisite. You can find the Chrome developer docs here.

The DABS environment works by running a simple string parser that has a registered list of modules that it knows to pass arguments to. How the core works isn’t important, what is important is that DABS offers no high level shell features. It’s going to find your function, pass it a lightly-parsed set of parameters, and lead the rest up to you.

You can find a bare-minimum DABS module in templates/templatemodule.js, here’s a breakdown of what it does (and what you’ll need to do.

Changing the DABS Core

If you’re changing utility functions, updating the build scripts, or doing pretty much anything outside of the modules/ directory, then your changes are much further reaching and and could affect all of the modules in the DABS environment, so do be careful 007.

Generally, all of DABS will need to be tested from the ground up to make sure supported modules stay supported and nothing on the fringe breaks dramatically. To speed up the merging of your code, try to include this in your PR: